CAI 2022 DMV Investor Forum Advancing Technologies to Impact the World

Our Fourth Conference




Join us on September 23rd in Washington, DC for CAI’s 2022 DMV Investor Forum! The forum will be held at the Children’s National Research and Innovation Campus and is made possible by generous support from Resonance Philanthropies of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Children’s National Hospital, and the US EDA Build to Scale Program. Forum speakers will include Rosemarie Truman, the Founder and CEO of CAI and Co-Founder and CEO of Ignite Social Impact, as well as winners of the Innovate Children’s Health Challenge II (ICHC II), an innovation challenge to advance biotechnology, health security, and supply chain technologies with the potential to boost children’s mental health and pandemic resiliency globally.

To attend the conference, log in to LinkedIn, and register at

When and Where:
The conference will be held on September 23rd from 1:30-4:30pm ET at the Children’s National Research and Innovation Campus in the Conference Theater at 7115 13th Place, NW, Washington, DC 20012.

Parking is available at 7185 13th Place, NW, Washington, DC, 20012.

Registrants will receive more information about logistics, timing, and speakers.


Rosemarie Truman

Founder and CEO, The Center for Advancing Innovation

Sheri Sobrato Brisson

Co-Founder, Resonance Philanthropies

Matt Clark

Chief Executive for Medical Portfolio, JPEO-CBRND, Department of Defense

Kolaleh Eskandanian

Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer, Children's National Hospital

Kerstin Hildebrandt

Vice President Research Administration, Children's National Hospital

Carol Nacy

CEO, Sequella Inc.

Pete Thurlow

Chair and Shareholder, Polsinelli Law Firm

Presenting Companies

Arkayli Biopharma

Changing the treatment paradigm for infantile hemangiomas using an established drug
Astarte Medical

Delivering digital tools and diagnostics to improve infant outcomes with nutrition intelligence

Empowering every human being with both access and ownership of all personal health information
IndyGeneUS AI

Creating the largest digital blockchain-encrypted repository of African clinical and genomic data
Mind the Class

Establishing a wellbeing research-based preventive program to decrease mental health risks

Reducing costs for all with a 3D printed nanomaterial for cartilage repair and regrowth

Making point-of-care fingerstick diagnostics for nutrition professionals to improve global health
Youme Healthcare

Providing online & telehealth therapy for kids, teens & families with behavioral & mental health issues

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