CAI Startups

210 Diagnostics SolutionsInnovate Children's Health Challenge
2E1BVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
5 Star Shave ClubSCALE Challenge
712 NorthBrain Race
A Good Night StayFounder Institute DC
AAYU HealthVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
AcceleraInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Accelerated NanotechNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
Ad Astra MediaIgnite Social Impact
Adapta TherapeuticsBrain Race
AdipomicsInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
AeroScreen DiagnosticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Aestas PharmaNeuro Startup Challenge
AfrofutureDAOSocial Impact Demo Day
Agilis HealthHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
Agri10xSCALE Challenge
AgromovilSCALE Challenge
AirBritt TwoVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
Akesa HealthInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
AlgometRxInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Alimore BiotechnologiesFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Aloe TherapeuticsBrain Race
Altor-GRCTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
AmaviiNeuro Startup Challenge
Ambrosia LabsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Amnion LifeInnovate Children's Health Challenge
AmorSuiSCALE Challenge
Angio360 DiagnosticsNeuro Startup Challenge
angioClastNeuro Startup Challenge
ANOVACURAInnovate Children's Health Challenge
AnuBioBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
Apeirolux PharmaceuticalFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Aphelion AerospaceSocial Impact Demo Day
Appleseed EducationGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Aptabridge TherapeuticsGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
AravendaSocial Impact Demo Day
Archimedes LaboratoriesVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
ARIZ Precision MedicineFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
ARJUNA TherapeuticsBrain Race
Arkayli BiopharmaInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
ArtérielSCALE Challenge
Astarte MedicalGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
AteiosVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
AuTACANanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
Avida BiotechGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
AVITEKFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Avivo BioOpticsNeuro Startup Challenge
AxoSimNeuro Startup Challenge
Azae TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
B1OSSocial Impact Demo Day
Backpack HealthcareGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Backyard CreatorsInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Baiya PhytopharmGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Balak DrishtiInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Bambini HealthInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
BB Medical SurgicalInnovate Children's Health Challenge
BeneRASInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Bespoke TherapeuticsBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
BetaBlueNeuro Startup Challenge
BetterMyndFounder Institute DC
Beyond Barriers TherapeuticsNeuro Startup Challenge
BioBuzzGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
BIOKMIRInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
BioMap ExplorerAAAS Lab to Launch
BiomeSenseNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
BIOSNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
BioSortiaSCALE Challenge
BioWire AnalyticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
BlockticityTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
Bloom StandardInnovate Children's Health Challenge
BoidBrain Race
Boma GlobalSCALE Challenge
BreachBitsFounder Institute DC
Breathe Better TechVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
ByteTrailTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
Cambridge Cancer Genomics (OneTest)Nanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
CancerTargetBrain Race
CANDUITFounder Institute DC
CareAlineInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Carillon BiopharmaNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
Caring Closures InternationalGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Carot LabsBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
CarrTechSocial Impact Demo Day
CASbioFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Cascadia CarbonSocial Impact Demo Day
CellaSphere TherapeuticsBrain Race
CELLMIDIChula Global Health Demo Day
CeraScript DiagnosticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Cerebro SportsTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
CerFluxFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
CircularSocial Impact Demo Day
Circumvent PharmaNeuro Startup Challenge
CloudWAVFounder Institute DC
CoAuthorFounder Institute DC
Codeable TherapeuticsBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
Cogentis TherapeuticsNeuro Startup Challenge
CogitoBotFounder Institute DC
Coldharbour TilesSCALE Challenge
CollizioFounder Institute DC
ConceptionNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
CordeRxFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Corvex Connected SafetyHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
Couplet CareGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
CrystalLyteChula Global Health Demo Day
Curie CTVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
CurieDxInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
CurivaGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
CvergenxBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
CYKLRFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
DapkenFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Davis OncologyFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
DemeterSCALE Challenge
DendrimmuneFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
DentopaGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
Dermo Dev PartnersFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Desidar.ioFounder Institute DC
DiallInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
DignityMovesSocial Impact Demo Day
DiliVerFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Discovered.usSocial Impact Demo Day
DoCuriousGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
DropGenieNeuro Startup Challenge
EarJelliesHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
EazelSCALE Challenge
EcoGreenFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
EdanshInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
EERSHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
ElastaScanGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
Elixir InternationalFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Elnora AIGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
EmpactInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
EncepHeal TherapeuticsNeuro Startup Challenge
EnerDronesSpace Race
EngineLifeChula Global Health Demo Day
Ent3rtainCoBrain Race
EnterTroy BioBrain Race
EstiaNeuro Startup Challenge
Exsolvo OncologyFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
EyeKonectTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
Family ProudSCALE Challenge
FanTazTechFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Fasting BoxFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
femPAQSCALE Challenge
FetchGoatTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
FilterbabyInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
FluvionGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
FlypeSCALE Challenge
FreenomeBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
FreePowerSCALE Challenge
From Soccer to C-SuiteInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
From Trauma to TriumphInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
FzataGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
Gaia ElementsSpace Race
GC TherapeuticsBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
GCS FibersSocial Impact Demo Day
GenetooSpace Race
GeneWhisperFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
GlioLinkFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Global Newborn SolutionsInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Glucose RevivalVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
Glyphic BiotechnologiesGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
GO-Pen ApSGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
Gordian PharmaInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Great Lakes NeuroscienceNeuro Startup Challenge
Greenhill AntiBallisticsSCALE Challenge
GridLionFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Group K DiagnosticsInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Heads Up SafeHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
Hecate OncoSolutionsNeuro Startup Challenge
HeragenBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
HeroLynkFounder Institute DC
Heudia HealthGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
HeyLayerSCALE Challenge
HiveGroundChula Global Health Demo Day
Home ProTherapyVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
HueDxGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
IBES TechnologiesFounder Institute DC
Ibex BiosciencesInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
iCE NeurosystemsBrain Race
IdhiniInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
iFocus HealthGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Iluria HealthInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Ignite Social ImpactInnovate Children's Health Challenge
ImmersiveTouchGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
INCIDRFounder Institute DC
IndyGeneUS AIInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Innovative Vascular TherapeuticsNeuro Startup Challenge
InnovoTEXGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Instant TeamsFounder Institute DC
InstapathNeuro Startup Challenge
IntelliPanel MedicalNeuro Startup Challenge
Intrommune TherapeuticsInnovate Children's Health Challenge
iPill DispenserSocial Impact Demo Day
iRescUFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
J&J Healthcare ServicesVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
JakutaSpace Race
Jaunums PharmaceuticalsBrain Race
Jeeva Informatics SolutionsGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
JouleSpace Race
JuegoFutFounder Institute DC
Jumpstart FertilityBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
JupiterSpace Race
KaiGenixBrain Race
KeyponentsTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
KhepraSCALE Challenge
KiiLNFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
KissIntelFounder Institute DC
Knowbella TechFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
LabStepBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
LamerigenFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Lappa TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Larissa HealthSpace Race
Latona TherapeuticsNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
Level 42 AIGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
LigandalFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Light Switch BioVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
LivecartFounder Institute DC
Lumas HealthVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
LumeumInnovate Children's Health Challenge
MacroDetectFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
MadSkillsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Maison BaumGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
MagneFeCentBrain Race
MagNHearInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
MagnifyMedInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Makai BiotechnologyFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
ManufacturefySCALE Challenge
Marigold HealthVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
MarkbotixGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
MarScelleFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
MAT BioPharmaFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Maverick DronesSpace Race
MedicalcoolingGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
MedifiesInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
MediloqIgnite Social Impact
MelalogicVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
MelEviFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
MesopharmBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
MGeneRxGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Midissia TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
MIGRA TherapeuticsNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
MindArch HealthGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
MindCo HealthGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Mind the ClassInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
MindStandInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Mineed TechnologyChula Global Health Demo Day
Minus TauSpace Race
Mobile PixelsSpace Race
MotionCorrectNeuro Startup Challenge
MotivoteSocial Impact Demo Day
Mushin SolutionsVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
NabsoluteChula Global Health Demo Day
Nano RedNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
NanoberneticsNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
NanochonInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Nanochrome BiosciencesNeuro Startup Challenge
NanoDetectNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
Native CoatingsSpace Race
NeoPrediXGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
NetureSocial Impact Demo Day
NeuroCognetixNeuro Startup Challenge
NeuroJanusFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Neuron HighwayBrain Race
NeuroNostixNeuro Startup Challenge
NeuroPointDXInnovate Children's Health Challenge
NeurosVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
NeuroSonics MedicalVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
NeurxstemBrain Race
New Frontier BioBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
New Wind TherapeuticsInnovate Children's Health Challenge
NgagefulFounder Institute DC
NorthBlock TechnologiesFounder Institute DC
NovaaNeuro Startup Challenge
Novel ImmuneInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Novel MicrodevicesGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Novelus BiotechnologyVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
Novo Epi Scaffold TechnologyBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
NutjobsSCALE Challenge
NVOLVEBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
NYP BiosciencesFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Oben HealthInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
OCMS BioGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
ODS MedicalNeuro Startup Challenge
Ohuku.aiFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Onciva MedicalBrain Race
OncoGoneFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
OncoHaltFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
OncolibertasFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
OncolinxBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
OncopHore NanotechnologiesFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
OncOriGoFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
OncoVesixFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
OneBreathGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Open TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
OpenGrantsInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Opi-AidFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Orion BiotechnologyGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
OROX BioSciencesGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
OrphedenBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
OrthoGenXGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
OtogearHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
Ovid ResearchNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
OysterMedFounder Institute DC
Pandemic Insights ( Impact Demo Day
PCV TherapeuticsBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
PerSoN ClinicVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
Petra PowerSpace Race
PhareTechAAAS Lab to Launch
PharmesolFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Phythera TherapeuticsGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
PICKUPFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
PigPugInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
PINCO MedicalFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
PineAPPLFounder Institute DC
PINGHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
Pixel SkyFounder Institute DC
PlanetFounder Institute DC
PlayWellBrain Race
PlexUnitsFounder Institute DC
Plus Media SolutionsIgnite Social Impact
PocketCFOSocial Impact Demo Day
Ponto FootwearSocial Impact Demo Day
Practical BiotechnologyFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Preci-MedFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Precision Medicine Drug Delivery SystemsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Precision NanotechNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
Precision TheranosticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
PrinstaSCALE Challenge
Pro Arc DiagnosticsNeuro Startup Challenge
PrognoixVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
PROMISS DiagnosticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
ProVivoXBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
Pyro-ESCALE Challenge
QChargeTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
Queen of RawSCALE Challenge
QuickTech MedicalVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
R&R PharmaFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Radial GenomicsBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
Raman Noodle OpticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
RATechSpace Race
REALTROMINSInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Recreation Sound SystemsSCALE Challenge
Recruitersuitor.comFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
REFASHIOND OSGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Regain BioMedicalsSocial Impact Demo Day
ReglageneFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Remedy PlanFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
RePicture EngineeringFounder Institute DC
Riband 557Breast Cancer Startup Challenge
riskLDSCALE Challenge
RMITRFounder Institute DC
RoadSpokeSCALE Challenge
Roar MedicinesInnovate Children's Health Challenge
RoogSCALE Challenge
RosomXFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Roz TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
RS BioTherapeuticsGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
RTG GroupSocial Impact Demo Day
SAAVIInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Sancura BiotechnologiesVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
Sand ScanAAAS Lab to Launch
SavitudeSocial Impact Demo Day
SavoMedFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
SCIXVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
ScriptCoInnovate Children's Health Challenge
SekoyiaFounder Institute DC
Senior ShieldGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
SequellaInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Sert-A-PlugHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
SHARP DiagnosticsGlobal Health Innovation Challenge II
Shimmy TechnologiesSCALE Challenge
SIFTFounder Institute DC
Simple Ag SolutionsNanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
SingleParentPowerFounder Institute DC
SiNON TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Sixfold Bioscience (RNAissance)Nanotechnology Startup Challenge in Cancer
SmartBridge HealthFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
SnapContaqsFounder Institute DC
Social GrlzFounder Institute DC
SoleedInnovate Children's Health Challenge
SOMNOTECHGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
SonALAsenseBrain Race
SourceTraceSCALE Challenge
Spektron SystemsSCALE Challenge
SpendLessSCALE Challenge
SteadyPIVOTFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Stingray TherapeuticsInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Stop My OCDFounder Institute DC
Stranded SolutionsSocial Impact Demo Day
StratodynamicsSpace Race
success4lifeInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Sun City SmartTechSpace Race
SuntheticsSocial Impact Demo Day
SurgiPriceFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
SustainabliGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
SwaeSCALE Challenge
TAB DiagnosticGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
Tandem RepeatSocial Impact Demo Day
Tann:DChula Global Health Demo Day
TAXORBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
Tellus AerospaceSpace Race
TemburiBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
TenantAllyFounder Institute DC
TGV-DxInnovate Children's Health Challenge
The Town KitchenSocial Impact Demo Day
TheraSentient BioPharmaFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
TheraSolFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
ThNA BiosciencesBrain Race
Three43SCALE Challenge
Thrive LotSocial Impact Demo Day
TippsterFounder Institute DC
Tocoza PharmaFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
towBuddyFounder Institute DC
TQIntelligenceInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
TradeFloSCALE Challenge
Triumvir TechnologiesSCALE Challenge
TrucklTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
True Bearing DiagnosticsVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
TTS DetectorHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
TympanogenBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
UBsportsSCALE Challenge
uKnomiTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
Universal ProstheticsBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
UPROSABreast Cancer Startup Challenge
VasculonicsGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
VaxSynaInnovate Children's Health Challenge
Veralox TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
VerteCoreSCALE Challenge
vH TherapeuticsFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
Virex HealthFreedom from Cancer Startup Challenge
ViroLexiInnovate Children's Health Challenge
VirtuleapInnovate Children's Health Challenge
VitaScanInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
VK Digital Health (VideoKall)Innovate Children's Health Challenge
VlogmiInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
webOSCARHear and Now Noise Safety Challenge
WebRobotSCALE Challenge
WhisperSomInnovate Children's Health Challenge
WorldsTexoma Logistics Innovation Engine
Wuji GamesSocial Impact Demo Day
Yoga by KalariGlobal Health Innovation Challenge
YouGeneBreast Cancer Startup Challenge
Youme HealthcareInnovate Children's Health Challenge II
Yugen DiagnosticsVABeachBio Innovation Challenge
Zimbali NetworksSocial Impact Demo Day


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